Sat, Jul 23, 2005 2:19 PM
Raffertiki-I can definitely relate!Last winter,we had Mom and Dad great horned owl having a "good time"in the neighbor's tree on a branch that overhangs our yard.It was wonderful to see them at twilight and hear them hooting to each other.We thought that was great,until we saw two baby owls in the tree!What an experience!They were very cautious at first,creeping up the branch,then creeping down the branch.They soon graduated to awkwardly flitting from one close branch to another,with Mom and Dad keeping an eagle eye out for their little ones.What we didn't know was that little owls tend to fall out of trees,and clunk to the ground.They would straighten up,shake their heads,and then head back up the trunk.Time passed,and they all flew off.This past winter,Mom and Dad were back to the "courting tree",but didn't make a nest in the same.Owls are squatters-appropriating another bird's nest,and are very messy,so they don't tend to come to it.They're wonderful,aren't they?Oh,we also have a rooster who lives down the block,but he must be a late sleeper,because when he starts crowing,the sun is already up a ways.If you can,take some pics and post them(of the owls,not the rooster). |