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Tiki Central / Tiki Music / Ukulele Classes in OC by Shirley Orlando

Post #174369 by Tiki_Bong on Sun, Jul 24, 2005 12:27 PM

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Starting August 24th, Shirley Orlando will be offering a 6-week ukulele class here in Huntington Beach, CA.

Shirley is a multi-talented, top-notch musician in general, and a fabulous ukulele player specifically!

Ask those who saw the Smokin' Menehunes when she graced our stage about her fantastic playing.

Her number at her store - Island Bazaar - is 714-843-9350.

Island Bazaar is also a great place for rattan furniture, ukuleles, tons of Hawaiian fabric at great prices, Tiki Farm mugs, editions of Tiki Magnazine, and other great stuff.

Island Bazaar
16582 Gothard (just South of Heil)
Huntington Beach, CA

Stop by today!