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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / An important alert to the artists of TC

Post #174778 by Chongolio on Tue, Jul 26, 2005 8:48 AM

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I did not know surfinstro but was familiar with his live365 station and from another surf music forum. It is unfortunate that he was unable to see the errors of his actions before this all went down. I tried to politely let him know that what was doing was bad form and that I was willing to discuss the issue with him over the phone as two human beans. He did not call, but we did send several emails back and forth. I think he was coming around but unfortunately was still clinging to a thin rationalization that it was ok for him to do what he did because he ran the live365 station for free and made no money. I am bummed he got himself banned from T.C. it always suck to lose a surf music and tiki nut especially when it could of been avoided. Hoowever, I think Hanford did the right thing for the right reasons.

Saving the drama for my mama,

Great info Freddie. Very disturbing how flexible the laws are when the goverment wants them to be.