Tiki Central / General Tiki / The Tiki Central Hapa Haoli Band
Post #17530 by Tiki_Bong on 12/30/2002
This is a call to all OC/LA TC members: Luckydesigns and me are gonna put together a hapa band and are looking for some tiki freaks to join our sonic cacophony. We got Lucky on guitar, Bong on steel, hopefully Nui Nui 2 on bass and Chongolio on 'the big ass Mexican guitar'. If there's anyone else out there that plays ukulele or any type of a percussion instrument post us! You don't need to be pro, just have a desire to learn and work on it. I've played guitar for decades but I'm pretty new on steel myself. We also need hot looking groupies to pray to us and dance neckid where ever we go - Baxdog? (ever hear a hapa haoli band to Smoke on the Water?) |