Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki / Let's Go to the Thrift Store! - with your tour guide, Tikiwahine!
Post #176549 by Tikiwahine on Tue, Aug 2, 2005 10:53 AM
Tue, Aug 2, 2005 10:53 AM
In specific reference to the Janion building and the woman who owns it: "As for Victoria, I've heard stories that tunnel entrances are located throughout the city, and some of these are to be found in old abandoned buildings. Three of these are owned by the same woman (a bit crazy after all these years, so the story goes). Apparently, her husband was a major developer during the early years of the last century. He was denied a business license by the city, and so decided to spite council by leaving the buildings to his wife with strict instructions that they remain boarded up and inaccessible after his death. That was over 50 years ago, and everyone I know who has grown up in Victoria says that the buildings have been sealed for as long as they can remember. They are beautiful structures and are of great historical significance" From the Infiltration Forums: Under the Garden City: Victoria B.C. secret tunnels. From a web site I worked on: "Here, behind dark, dreary stores are darker, drearier rooms where crowds of Chinese can be accommodated at night; and behind these again are shacks and hovels... the theater is a large, barrack-like place, reached through several alleys... The police raid these haunts (gambling dens) periodically; and quite recently they were led throughout the length of an entire block in pursuit of a number of flying queues whose owners had not been quite quick enough in making their escapes. Source: "The Chinatown in British Columbia," Chamber's Journal, June 10, 1911. 440-441. Pardon my ramblings, I just spotted this!(in the same post thread mentioned above) It refers to a building across the street from the quilt shop. This building caught fire last night, flames lept 40' above the roofline, we were quite concerned about the rest of Chinatown.(not to mention smoke damage to the fabric and quilts) "Then there's the newly exposed building next to the old parking lot besides Swans Hotel. Apparently, this building is used as a squat and shooting gallery (beware of contaminated hypodermics!!! wear steel-toed boots) is filled with secret escape holes. The building is very of the city's earliest brick structures, and that some of the walls have false doors or hidden doors that lead to escape routes that connect to other parts of the building. I met a guy who's been in this building (only during the daylight hours as the place scares this shit out of him at night) and he might be willing to lead an expedition through the parts with which he is familiar." |