Tiki Central / Other Events / Jab's Southern Tiki Road Trip - pictures added
Post #180095 by mrsmiley on Tue, Aug 16, 2005 2:58 PM
Tue, Aug 16, 2005 2:58 PM
I call them "Sheep". These boring tourists are so used to not making choices that they feel comfortable eating at MacDonalds, Taco bell, etc. Instead of some local burger joint or Mexican restaurant/taco stand. These sheep miss out on the variety of life. Sure , sometimes you take a chance and go to some "cute" vintage place and the food is sub-par. But taking those chances and eating at the occasional sub-par place is worth it because of all the great cool places you can find. Imagine, Jabbo, if we had got a sandwich at Subway in Miami instead of Wolfie Cohn's Rascal House-we would have missed out on LIVING (and a great meal in a great restaurant)!! |