Tiki Central / Tiki Music / Music swap at Hukilau
Post #186516 by theARTFINK on Tue, Sep 13, 2005 11:49 PM
Tue, Sep 13, 2005 11:49 PM
this doesn't have anything to do with music but it's in the same ballpark. being a fellow artist (visual) I have seen my work being sold and bought and traded at conventions,and hang in tattoo shops that were reproductions of the original print run. now I got paid for the originals and the original run of prints,but not for these copys,bootlegs what have ya. I've come to the relization that this will always happen and there's really not much I can do about it. and I really don't feel like anybody's taking bread off my table, but it sure pisses you off regardless. being an artist it would be nice to have someone say don't sell,trade,swap this guys work at least not here at this convention (which people almost always do secretly and out in the open!).I know it doesn't sound like much,but it would make me happy. so all technicalities about the music industry and who owns what,when or how someone gets paid aside what I think james is trying to say here is simple: PLEASE don't trade,sell,swap etc.etc.etc. non-original copys of other peoples work at the hukilau.if you want to out in the parkinglot in the trunk of your car,thats your business but not at the offical function.Quite simple. sorry to rant on and see ya at the hukilau. [ Edited by: theARTFINK 2005-09-13 23:51 ] |