Tiki Central / California Events / new years eve 2005- so cal-Thanks Everybody
Post #194554 by Monkeyman on Mon, Oct 24, 2005 3:31 PM
Mon, Oct 24, 2005 3:31 PM
If I were to pick my preferences for a bang up weekend and keep costs down this is what I would do. A- Definitely go to the Bali Hai celebration. I dont know if its a rockin time or not but if enough of us are there it wont matter. Its pricey at $90 but most organized new years parties are expensive(often surpassing $150). We can all wear our craziest Aloha attire (including fancy dresses and tapa Sportcoats) and will totally fit with the venue. B- Find other less expensive lodging in the area to keep folks close to the Bali Hai. If a couple of our well heeled TCers feel like springing for a suite then great. Maybe we can all go hang out at their room. C- Skip Mr. Tiki on Sunday night in exchange for a home gathering at one of our nearby TCers. D- Go into the Islands Room at the Hanalei for Brunch (hopefully enough of us are awake on New Years day to make it before brunch is finished). E- Find a fishing boat that is willing to do a charter for cheap instead of a full blown tour boat. F- Van rentals to get folks around town instead of taxi cabs. Or better still, who has large vehicles capable of carry 6 or more people. The Monkeybus is available and carries 7. Ideas anyone? Are we barking up the right tree? [ Edited by: monkeyman 2005-10-24 15:37 ] |