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Tiki Central / Tiki Music / Alternative Versions of "Taboo"

Post #196995 by I, Zombie on Tue, Nov 8, 2005 8:03 AM

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At Hukilau, me and Quince_at_Danny's were swapping a compilation that had a number of classic exotica songs on it, but versions done a little differently.
Anyhoo, we included the MGM Orch version of Taboo.

I just love this version. Plenty of horn and big orchestral drum action that really pushes the envelope, making the song extra intense. Any good version of Taboo should be terrorizing on some level. Lots of versions pull off the creepiness via a spooky flute. The MGM version is more wide-screen terrorizing, placing you and the heroine - teetering - on the edge of a cliff looking down into a Technicolor volcanic abyss.

If you were at Hukilau, and you picked up one of those comps called "Exotic Exotica" (with yours truly playing Captain Pike on the front cover) check it out.