Joined: Jun 02, 2002
Posts: 40
I have had the fortune ( or un-fortune depending on how you look at it
) of spending four years of my life in art school and the rest thereafter dealing with art editors, publishers and the public opinion
of MY artwork. certain styles and movements in art become popular and are pushed to the front of the public eye and is seen by more people than what originally inspired it. eventually, you have the majority of people who know only what has become popular ( musicly, think of rockabilly, garage, punk....swing and all the style that goes with it.) I think all that has been stated was one persons opinion as to how "they" see a large influx of cartoony and stylised versions - of - cartoony and stylised versions-of original oceanic art. It was just a suggestion that all artist need to research beyond what they see in Juxtapoz magazine or at Target or spencer gifts. no one ever said " man, in all reality, your really just not that good. give it up." although I'm not against some harsh, real critisism. ( belive me i've gotten my share!!)as long as the critic can intelligently back it up with more than just " I don't know, it just sucks."
But I really don't think "honest" critisism needs to be predominate in these posts here anyways. ( unless someone REALLY wants it.) most of the posts here of carvings, paintings or other creations are posted out of pure enjoyment and they were created out of pure pleasure of someone wanting to share what they did to that old log in the backyard that now proudly stands in the front yard. If you want to be picky, most are not mass producing, numbering and selling out of them on E-bay or Amazon. ( unlike the hordes of psuedo tiki mugs that people on this page seem to can't get enough of that have even LESS to do with anything remotley tiki or south seas inspired than the most "self-described poor attempt at carving " that some have posted here.) and on the flip-side< i'm pretty sure that anyone who is taking the time out of their day to carve or paint a tiki has nothing more on their minds at that time than trying within their ability to recreate or inturpret a tiki they saw in an old bar or book of tiki or some other reference that is making them hark back to an era that is no more. basicly, some people need to lighten up a little on both sides of the argument. If you put an object that you created with your own imagination and skill right out there in view of thousands of people to see with the byline " look what I did, what do ya think?" you have to expect some critisism that does more than suck you off, give you a lolypop and a big thumbs up all the way and tells you to keep going in the same direction. others have more then enough skill, patience and artistic ability that they should be able to realise that someone can "research" all the books in the land but what they do is still not going to be as prolific as others. others yet, with all the skills in the land that were offended by this post need to take their modest heads out of the hole in the ground and accept the fact that they are way beyond just "good" and that they will be remembered for carring on a tradition with their own styles.
Oceanic arts and other older carvers are or were known for their styles and they were mostly inspired by the REAL, original Oceanic art. they then took those ideas and mixed them with their own style to come up with what we know today. like any good "art movement", originality is key.
So I don't think anyone was told to "hang it up" or " stop posting your horrible shit please!!" ( I like to see the good with the bad.) and no one was singled out as being the lone culprit, because no one is.but I DO think that Kahunas intentions and suggestions being sencere, are aimed at the wrong crowd really ( take it up with the people shoving item after item down the publics throat until they vomit and can't look at another f@#kin' tiki or some generic inturpretation of.) All that was SUGGESTED was we should look back( at least once.) at what inspired us and others before us farther than the current wave of popularity. that's really all it was . And if someone doesn't agree with it's obvious intint, than maybe your too thin-skinned to be sharing your work with a public outside of immidiete family and friends. because beliiiieeeevvvveee meeeee.the more you share, the more you gonna get 'em whether you want 'em or not and a hell of alot worse than this.