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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Selected works for your viewing pleasure (again!) It worked this time! Take a peek!

Post #203445 by kaha kii on Fri, Dec 16, 2005 2:55 PM

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Okay bruddah's & sistah's...I think Im doing this right this time! Thanks for all the kokua from everyone! Here we go again!!!
This Hawaiian Tiki Makau necklace is made from ancient walrus bone (wonderful material to work with, like buttah! measures 2")

This buggah was a custom order Maori Style "Pa Kahawai" lure with a "skullshead" bone barb point (Hawaiian Koa wood, Abalone pearl shell & bone. measures 1-3/4").

This makau features the Marquesan god of Fishing, TU-HA! (whale bone measuring 2")

These pendants are made from Ancient mammoth tusk ivory (small kine around 2"!).

I also make full size Kahiko Hawaiian weapons like these war clubs (Hawaiian curly koa wood, tiger shark teeth & natural fiber)

these little buggahs are small kine Hawaiian weapon pendants (all around 2" with genuine Koa wood & real tiger shark teeth!)

Whew! It looks like I did it right this time! If I didnt upload correctly I know one of you kind souls who helped before would do so again and I appreciate all the kokua! Sorry Im a lolo on all this kine stuff! ENJOY the photos!

Aloha & mahalo!

For miki'oi Authentic Hawaiian Makau, check out my website! You wont find mo bettah brah! http://www.cabanillamakau.com

[ Edited by: kaha ki'i 2005-12-16 15:50 ]

[ Edited by: kaha ki'i 2005-12-16 17:10 ]