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Post #204584 by pappythesailor on Mon, Dec 26, 2005 6:17 PM

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Thanks for all the kind wishes, everybody. I spent the day waiting for Mrs. Pappy to go into labor and keeping busy in the basement. It's amazing how fast you can sling paint when you don't have to worry about the floor, ceiling, walls or yourself! The primary all color's done now excepting for touchups a'course.

I stuck the bamboo up with an 8-inch spike on one end (bamboo is hollow but I had to open the end up with a forstner bit) and some wire and an electrical connector thingie on the other end. Works for me.

I didn't think I'd get all these bamboo poles up but I just plugging.

Here's a preview of the ceiling. I have to take it down because I haven't fireproofed it yet. That's enough for to-nite.

[ Edited by: pappythesailor 2010-07-28 13:51 ]