Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Wanna know why your drinks suck so bad?
Post #20499 by Shipwreckjoey on Tue, Jan 21, 2003 9:23 PM
Tue, Jan 21, 2003 9:23 PM
And the most ironic thing is that it seems to be the most expensive "exotic" drinks are the worst ripoff! It's kind of like:"Oh, these people are ordering Mai Tais, let's just fill some fancy glasses with some fruit juice, a 1/2 shot of house rum, some pineapples, cherries, a paper umbrella and a cute little straw...and they'll fork out $6.50 per drink, give us a ten spot and say "keep the change". These are usually "chain" restaurants with high visibility and a large advertising budjet. On the unfortunate occasions I find myself winding up in one of these places I'll order a bottle beer, or a "straight forward, simple, hard to screw up or water down drink" like Scotch Rocks!!! |