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Tiki Central / General Tiki / What's Changed On Tiki Central?

Post #208843 by badmojo on 01/20/2006

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badmojo posted on 01/20/2006

On 2006-01-19 12:07, Aaron's Akua wrote:

Badmojo, your bump seems a bit ambiguous. So what's really bugging you about TC these days? Just curious.

Ha, nothing so Sinister. Just a weird vibe. Hell, for all I know I can chalk it up to heartburn. I guess what I was attempting to get across was that it seems like once a year or so we have one of these "I'm Tiki-er" debacles, and what does it ever accomplish? Obviously nothing, as they just keep repeating the same thing again.
But now that it is bumped it's nice to look back and see the newbies from then are now welcoming the newest batch of members.