Tiki Central / General Tiki / Super Cool!!!! Talk Story with Bungy Hedley....
Post #209067 by bungy on Fri, Jan 20, 2006 2:51 PM
Fri, Jan 20, 2006 2:51 PM
Hey Susan! Kelbo's daughter! The minute I saw Kelbo's I started hungering for those fantastic pineapple baked spare ribs!! I wrote you an email.. but must have goten your address wrong.. I remember! And the Queens seat, start out at low tide, and wait for it to get higher.. start getting sprayed, then washed over, and finally running for it to get back to shore before you got cut off. Remember the pier (about 20' high?) Johnny Weismuller was making one of his Trader Hall? movies at our place, and he had to dive off that oier. He ran the length and his dive was clean as he pierced the sparkling Pacific! One day, during the filming his good buddy, Duke Kahanamoku came down.. what a thrill!!! |