Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge / how do YOU define the difference between Art and Craft
Post #210741 by WenikiTiki on Fri, Jan 27, 2006 9:55 AM
Fri, Jan 27, 2006 9:55 AM
I am an artist and a craftsman. I have been highly insulted at times in the past by people who wouldn't know art if it walked up and explained itself to them. I often make very intricate beaded items, using expensive Japanese beads known as 'Delicas'. These are about 11 to the inch wide. I only do my own original patterns. Some of the amulet bags I make can take over 50 hours of beading sewing on one bead at a time! People have seen me wearing one and said: "Those are cute, you should sell those at the flea market." I actually rarely wear then, due to how much it annoys me! When I knit a scarf, that is crafts. When I spin the yarn myself and then make something out of it, I am still just a craftsman. When I pour someone else's mold and add my own touches I am being an artistic craftsman. If I design my own mug, make a mold and pour it. I was the artist who designed it, but become the craftsman when doing the reproduction. OUCH! You all made my head hurt! I just had a flashback to my least favorite college class of all times. OKAY, it was my least favorite college professor of all times. The class, required for graduation with a BA in Studio Arts, was "Philosophy of the Visual Arts". This professor made us make protest signs and carry them around the campus for one day. Then we had to report back to him on the results of our "Artistic Experiment". I argued that we were supposed to be studying visual arts not performance art. I got a "C" in that class. My protest sign wasn't big enough. And I used to laugh at him when he said the fluorescent lights flickering were giving him vertigo, and he would teach class in the dark, with just the hall door open....Fortunatly he never had anything to say worth writing down! Defiantly part of my decision to switch to the Industrial Arts department! |