Tiki Central / Other Events / New Chicago Trader Vic's TV announcement - Feb. 7
Post #212459 by tikibars on Fri, Feb 3, 2006 11:42 AM
Fri, Feb 3, 2006 11:42 AM
I posted the following yesterday, at this thread: I'll make a post on that thread pointing people here for the discussion from now on. (posted February 02): No foolin': event at Trader Vic's CHICAGO, this Tues, February 7, 2006! Whaaaaaa? Yes, you heard this correctly! I got a phone call from the head of marketing for Harry Caray's yesterday. There is going to be a Trader Vic's event this coming Tuesday, February 7, 2006 in Chicago! Here's the deal: The Harry Caray's venture is going to happen. In order to keep the Trader Vic's torches burning in the windy city, the current Harry Caray's restaurant is going to serve the original Trader Vic's mai tai (and a few other menu items), for a limited time only, until the new TVs is built. I asked my contact specifically, and she assured me that they would be following the 1944 mai tai recipe to a 't'. Hans Richter (worldwide CEO of Trader Vic's) is going to be in Chicago on Tuesday afternoon for a special event / ceremony that will announce the new Trader Vic's to the media, and serve up the first mai tai in Chicago for five whole weeks (believe me folks, it has seemed like an eternity ALREADY). There will be an article about the event in the Tribune tomorrow (Friday). Thre are only two caveats here: The event is at Harry Caray's on Tuesday... at NOON (12:30, more precisely). And the other is my general trepidation (and yes, disdain) for sports bars in general. We are going to have to trust in the TV's head honchos to make sure that the new Chicago TV's is 100% like a Trader Vic's... and 0% like a Harry Caray's. I am glad that Harry Caray's has, errr... "stepped up to the plate" and are the hereoes making sure that TV's stays in Chicago. But: they can put their cash into it, and keep all of their entitled profits, but let's keep the televisions and football and lite beer out, ok? See you for the mai tais and food specials on Tuesday at noon. As an addendum, this Phil Vettel is the same guy who did the long piece on Tiki for thw Trib back in 2003. He's a good guy. [ Edited by: tikibars 2006-02-03 12:43 ] |