Tiki Central / Locating Tiki / Tonga Bar, Tonsberg, Norway (bar)
Post #215990 by Kilikopela on Mon, Feb 20, 2006 5:37 AM
Mon, Feb 20, 2006 5:37 AM
Hey HumuHumu, Yes, the Norwegians (sp?) all spoke excellent English. Once again I was reminded how ignorant Americans are by the fact that everywhere I travel, everyone else speaks multiple languages, and I can only stumble my way to another beer (Ringnes!). In addition to the points Virani made, I understand that Brits like to take vacation in Norway, so a lot of their tourist industry is geared towards them, so many people speak English. Because they use the same letters as the English language... all the signs were in English, just different phonetics. For example, if you can see in this photo, there's a store in the middle with signs saying "Spill Her! Spill Her!" Perferct English! So.... a montage of first impressions of Scandanavia.... Norway was beautiful, I would encourage anyone who has a chance to visit. K [ Edited by: Kilikopela 2006-02-20 05:43 ] |