Tiki Central / Locating Tiki / Kona Club, Oakland, CA (bar)
Post #218220 by Molokai Mike on Wed, Mar 1, 2006 1:29 PM
Molokai Mike
Wed, Mar 1, 2006 1:29 PM
Hey Robertiki, Although dissed by a few TCers for not being "true tiki"- which we've never tried to be- we have kick-ass cocktails (served in Tiki mugs!! and bowls) especially under the masterful hand of former TV bartender James Shoemake....and yes, we do have custom matches, swizzle sticks,and cocktail menus. In addition, we keep the spirit of Poly Pop alive by playing theme music (except on Event nights), Tiki Bar TV and other tiki related movies on the tube and showcasing the Mai Tai as an Oakland original. Before I get attacked here, let me point out that I'm not dissing Kona - I actually frequent it myself - just pointing out that there is an alternative for those seeking a unique Tiki experience in Oakland. |