Tiki Central / Locating Tiki / Tropical Bistro, Hilliard, OH (restaurant)
Post #220493 by Sabina on Mon, Mar 13, 2006 12:51 PM
Mon, Mar 13, 2006 12:51 PM
We come through Columbus roughly twice a year, it's my home. (I love Maryland, but Ohio's my roots.) Kahiki was 'my' Tiki home. And we're OVERDUE for an Ohio trip at the moment. (We just barely missed the Hot Rod Hula Hop last time, I can't tell you how much we were SUPPOSED to be there.) So, a central Ohio trip cometh- it's just a matter of when. Once we get some dates set, I'll post an Ohio trip thread in events. You have to understand, I thought I had enjoyed my last smoking eruption (has ANYONE other than the Kahiki ever served them? what's the history of the drink? Time to move over to the drink forum...) News like this thread has got me to the edge of tears of joy! I'm dying to see even photographs of a drink menu or dinner menu to compare with Kahiki's. If I could teleport out for drinks tonight, I would! |