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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Tools Carvers Use

Post #225225 by Benzart on Wed, Apr 5, 2006 8:44 PM

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Well, we know a few things can blow up either handpiece. Neither will run iin reverse and will literally BLOW UP so if you had a reversing flexshaft,thet is posibility #1.
#2 is the way the Wecheer is made. Basically there are 2 metal plates inside with a hole drilled in each and a ball bearing placed in each holeso that as these plates turn against each other, the ball berings hit and one plate jumps up and over the other bearing. If you are working it very hard for an extended amount of time and the handpiece is heating up and really getting hot, One of the ball bearings breaks, splits down the middle (the bearing is held in place with a small rod which fits thru a hole drilled in the center of the ball) it causes the handpiece to Suddenly Jam to a stop and this twists the flexshaft until it breaks, and then your motor keeps running, meanwhile everything has come to a sudden halt with a twisting movement. I will try to explaim=n more tomorrow if it is needed as it is late and that explaination just boggled my brain.
More later.