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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / My 2 pence for Forbidden Isle

Post #228709 by RevBambooBen on 04/26/2006

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RevBambooBen posted on 04/26/2006

Now that the Cat is out of the Bag...........

....some early pics of things being made at FI.

Maybe one of you Web Savay peeps can do a Before and After????

( I made him do that!!! The power of Bud!! LOL!!! :)

Martin and Brothers Thantos,

It was nice to Finally see pics of the finished product!!!


They (the 3 above) kept me waiting as they did yous too!!!


Where's the story line??


We'll pop by next time we're in zee
" Bay Area of Mega Tiki Bars"
and enjoy some fruits of the labor!!!


( LA? We're losing it!!!)
