Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki / Fair Market Value for Mugs (et al)
Post #232315 by Tikiwahine on Tue, May 16, 2006 1:12 PM
Tue, May 16, 2006 1:12 PM
Speaking of vintage mugs only, It depends on where you live and what's available. I don't think very many vintage mugs are actually worth more than $30, since they originally sold for so little, or were given away. Bowls and decanters would be an exception. E-bay and antique shops have skewed the value, because it forces people to fight over items that they could normally find for $1-$9.99 at a garage sale or thrift store, which is where they all should be found, in a perfect world :wink: but we all know you can't be a collector without craving something that's inaccessible to you. Tiki Leilani is maybe worth $10 to someone who can't find one in the wild, but worth 50 cents or less to someone who has 10 or sees them all the time. New mugs are in a completely different catagory. |