Joined: Apr 07, 2006
Posts: 3066
Tiki #24
After spending a couple of weeks working on the chairs, I couldn't wait to get back to the mounting pile of future ideas that I was constantly adding to. But first, I had a log that was less than ideal. I decided to test my chainsaw carving skills. I had a new chain, and I spent considerable amounts of time working with the chainsaw on the chairs; all my fears of the saw after the accident were in check now, and I could comfortably use the chainsaw again(with my hard hat, goggles, etc. on) I wanted to see how clean and precise I could make all of my rough cuts using just the saw. My intention was to quicken the overall shaping process and spend more time on refinements.
Here it is after about one hour's work. I already cleaned it up with a flat chisel and started to sand it
Next to the original, larger inspiration
what I learned:
- The chainsaw saves time, but it is less than a precision instrument in some applications
- My quick practice tikis are starting to look better
- I can use substandard logs and still get reasonable results
- If that one dude at Tiki Oasis would have left his bitchy girlfriend at home, I would have made so much money off this one relative to the time I spent on it, that if he bought it, I might have felt guilty for making that much.
- People always talk about stolen tikis in front yards. After Oasis, I was so sick of carrying tikis that I just left this one out front, next to the sidewalk. I hoped that someone would steal it so I wouldn't have to carry into my back yard again. It sat out there for a couple weeks. No takers. Is it that ugly? Well anyway, I took it into the store this week and it sold in three days. Dude that bought it should have been driving by my house a week ago. Oh well, now I can afford Sylvia/Arlovski on PPV.