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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

Post #239857 by Bay Park Buzzy on Mon, Jun 26, 2006 10:46 PM

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Worked on this one for awhile on Sunday. Did some sanding and clean up work. But the sight of it kept making me want to take a nap. I need to walk away from this sucker for a couple of days before I start to hate it.
Put knuckles on the hands though. I like those. Knuckle sandwich anyone?

sanded it a little

did the nose sunday night but no pictures

I was totally sick of carving on a hard, slow moving log. I wasn't in the mood to concentrate on details and such, so I decided to put this on hold until the heatwave passes. I was going to plane a few logs just to make today productive. I used my RYOBI PLANER and in a matter of moments, a 5'3" 16" diameter at the base mexican fan palm was clean and ready to carve into. I couldn't wait to tear into it, so I didn't wait. I grabbed a pencil and sketched this out

started on the face

carved it at chest level

face finished

starting body

hey, hey, hey, it's Fat Albert...

starting legs

more leg work

Oh no! No daylight left in today...

Oh man! A nice wet log. Just what I needed. I felt like I was in a rut for a couple of days. This gives me some momentum. Can't wait for tomorrow...