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Post #241838 by loco moke on Sun, Jul 9, 2006 10:03 AM

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I did think of that, I just didnt know if it could be hard coated to look (and perferably feel) like rock. Do you know of a way to get that effect?

Paper mache takes a long time to layer up and to dry. so get the fans out. You can achieve a rock effect through the paper by soaking it in water until it is saturated then pulse it in a cuisinart for a pulpy effect. Mix in a bucket with wallpaper paste and start slapping it on. Mind you to get this effect you should lay up a few layers of paper strips on your wire frame first or the pulp being so wet will soak through the layers and fall through the wire. I made an 8' dinosaur with this process 6 years ago for indoors and it is still in great shape. If I find a photo I'll send it to you.
