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Celebrating classic and modern Polynesian Pop

Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki / The Root of Jimmy Buffet Bashing

Post #243067 by aikiman44 on Sat, Jul 15, 2006 9:08 AM

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Last night I met Jimmy Buffet at the Sag Harbor Whaling Museum 2nd annual Luau. Sag Harbor is one of the coolest places on Earth. I suppose it's the East Coast's answer to the best of CA. Buffet introduced a local band, Costa Del Sol that was terrific. I ran into him later and he was very nice. I mentioned TC and the discussions of Tiki vs Buffet. He gazed away and said: "Let's see Tiki to me is..."
"Polynesian pop?" I prompted after a few moments.
He wasn't familiar with the term but said that he had uncles who fought in the South Pacific in WWII and brought back great stories about the culture, as well as Hawaii, that influenced him. He also said that he played with Martin Denny before he died and was a real fan, and that he (Buffet) had traced an ancestor to the Bounty!
To everyone's suprise he got up with the band and played 3 great songs: Van's Brown Eyed Girl, a Buffet song I don't know (I really never listened to his stuff), and ended with the Stones' You Can't Always Get What You Want.
I encouraged JB to join the discussions regarding his music and influence on TC. He was nice and friendly and played some great tunes.
All in all a great evening. Here's hoping we hear from him.