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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

Post #243241 by Bay Park Buzzy on Sun, Jul 16, 2006 12:55 PM

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On 2006-07-15 21:34, hewey wrote:
How did you make the stickers?

I use the Roland Stika design cutter

That roland logo reminds me of a friend who used to have a Roland Jazz Chorus amp. Solid state piece of $#!^. My JCM 800 outplayed that thing on 2...
The machine looks like a computer printer and works almost the same way. It has a small blade that cuts through the top layer of the sticker paper and cuts the design that you make on the software

This is the front and back of the sticker paper. The blade will cut through the red and not cut the backing.

After removing the excess by hand(this part sucks to do), you put a backing on the exposed side of the cut design

To apply the sticker, you take off the old backing, stick the whole thing down where you want it, and then peel off the sheet you covered it with

It will leave the cut out design. Viola! You have a sticker. This is how they make all those flower stickers for people's cars. Here is one now...

They are a pain in the ass to do, but another line on my tiki resume looks good...
Building My Reputation Buzzy Out!