Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate
Post #245373 by Bay Park Buzzy on Thu, Jul 27, 2006 7:55 PM
Bay Park Buzzy
Thu, Jul 27, 2006 7:55 PM
Tikimecula: I'm a Barrett-Jackson junkie. I've recorded the last few years worth of auctions commercial free and I watch them all of the time. There was this one time i was so happy for this guy who bought a car, I started to tear up and almost cry because I was so happy for him fullfilling his dream. Personally, I like 68-72 Dodge Darts, and especially the Dodge dart Swingers with the white vinyl roof. My grandma had one for me and was waiting for me to turn 16 and it was to be my first car. I looked forward to that car for years. A year or two before I was 16, California passed some dumb assed new smog law, and it couldn't be transfered to another owner. She sold it to a family in Mexico so it could blow the somg it makes back up here anyway. I love Mexico; It's like the wild, lawless old west of California, but my first car turned out to be a station wagon. It was formerly owned by a gardener who spilled concentrated bug poison in the back seat. He had to drill a hole in the floor to drain it out. If you rolled up the windows, you got a headache from the poison fumes. At least I had a car to fit my surfboards in and be able to lock them up. My next car was the next model year of the same Dodge Colt station wagon. This one was the deluxe model, in that it had a luggage rack... [ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2006-07-27 20:01 ] |