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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Betel Nuts

Post #247476 by LoungeLizard on Mon, Aug 7, 2006 8:12 PM

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I've tried 'em. They give an interesting sensation where your mouth and neck feel warm, sort of a flush. They kind of speed you up just a bit, no more than coffee, though the effect is definitely different. I found that if I used it a bunch, it made me sort of irritable, maybe a little too logical and spock-minded.
You can find them in most Indian food markets, though they aren't marked with that name. I've actually seen them sold as "breath fresheners", sold in small bags. You can also find them in Arab markets in a small blue can with the name "pan parag" see:
http://www.panparag.com/home.php . for drug info, see: http://www.erowid.org/plants/betel/betel.shtml I'm glad I tried them, though I don't have any desire to make a habit of them. My favorite legal drug (that isn't alcohol) is Kava Kava, fresh from Hawaii! I often use Kona Kava: http://www.konakavafarm.com/ :)