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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / Tiki-On-A-Budget

Post #248121 by The Granite Tiki on Thu, Aug 10, 2006 2:07 PM

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That's the spirit Toontoonz!!

And speaking of spray paint...

When I realized my outdoor bar desperately needed a working sink, I grabbed a bathroom vanity sink that was sitting in my garage when I bought the house, grabbed some thick lumber that was also left over when the previous owner built a fence, dug a deep trench for the garden hose, bought an adaptor to hook the garden hose to the sink fixtures, built a sturdy frame from the lumber, and finally, made a quick stencil of a design I found on one of my shirts, and spray painted the parts of the sink and frame that wouldn't be covered by grass skirting.

(Here are some bigger pics that I'll just put a link to so as not to stretch out the thread)



I should mention that as this is an outdoor bar in New Hampshire, it all needs to be taken down in late fall! So if it has a disposable air about it, you'll understand! :wink:

[ Edited by: The Granite Tiki 2006-08-10 14:11 ]