Tiki Central / General Tiki / Celebrating classic and modern Polynesian Pop
Post #249330 by Thomas on Wed, Aug 16, 2006 4:07 PM
Wed, Aug 16, 2006 4:07 PM
Another $0.02 comes to mind: perhaps make the "About" link more of an unmissable first-step for first-time visitors. I'm sure the site administrator is concerned about the aesthetics of the front page and the desire to avoid clutter, but I also think there might be a real practical advantage to virtually ensuring that newcomers "go through" the "About" page right off the bat. So in an ideal world, maybe a big fat button that says something like, "New visitor to Tikicentral? Welcome! Please click HERE" which doesn't upset the aesthetics (I know, tall order) might be worth considering. Right now I envision enthusiastic newcomers blasting right past the classy, but somewhat understated "Celebrating classic and modern Polynesian Pop" link, committing a TC faux pas or two, then getting pointedly told that he/she has no excuse because "if you'd read the 'About' page like you were supposed to..." and saying, "Wow, I really struck out with these folks, I'm outa here!" I know I may be over thinking things here or even advocating an undue level of "hand holding," but they're my thoughts. |