Tiki Central / California Events / Eli Hedley Daughters' Books and Photos signing
Post #251027 by rugbymatt on 08/27/2006
Ben, I hope things are going well today, tell Bungy and the ladies I send my regards. It was great meeting them all last weekend in San P. Love the books! Met up with some TC'rs at Lee's Hawaian Islander in Lyndhurst, NJ last night for dinner. It is a very old school Polynesian/ Chineese joint, you'd love the interior: bamboo, 2 story rock wall with two falls, a giant outrigger suspended above the main dining room, and smaller cascading rock wall behind the main bar. Great bunch of older gentlemen run the place, next time your back east you need to check it out. Enjoy the day out there and have fune next month in the UK. Matt |