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Tiki Central / Tiki Marketplace / (ebay) #8/12 Skirt & Skull Fatutu ( Special Yellow Glaze)

Post #256462 by tikitony on Sat, Sep 23, 2006 11:41 PM

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Hey guys,
Alene had time to put one of our Special Edition Fatutu's on ebay. Here's a picture so you don't have to go to the ebay auction to see it. I've got a new mug drying in a mold right now, and I'm hoping to have a couple for Hukilau! I'll post pictures of my 3 new mugs for Hukilau this week! After a trip to visit Munktiki, they've inspired me to get going on my mugs again! It was a year of learning all about ceramics by trial and error since we did all the work ourselves. I mostly learned that Alene is far more capable at glazing and cleaning mugs than I am, but thats what makes us a good team! aLoha, oh, and we have a new website that Alene built too! Come to think of it... what the heck have I been doing?


(forgot to put ebay)

[ Edited by: tikitony 2006-09-23 23:42 ]