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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki / rejected by the cool kids

Post #259206 by Tangaroa on Thu, Oct 5, 2006 3:10 PM

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When I was in fifth grade I wanted a pair of "OP" corduroy shorts so bad - all the cool kids had them! They were too expensive for my family at the time - so my mom took me to Sears where she bought me a pair of knock offs. The only problem was, no little white "OP" stiched on the bottom of the shorts! I pointed this out - and mom says, "Don't worry - I'll take care of it."

She hand stitched an "OP" where it was supposed to go. "But Mom," I said. "The kids will all know!" "No they won't - don't be silly", was her reply.

The first day I wore them to class, some kid looked at my shorts and said "Hey! FAKE OP SHORTS!!!!"

I was not a "cool kid" for the rest of the year.

Oh yeah - Balihijinks really isn't about Tiki culture persay...