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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / North shore shrimp

Post #259958 by Sabu The Coconut Boy on Tue, Oct 10, 2006 9:18 AM

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Hi Ojai,

I've actually never tried Giovanni's White Shrimp, but your post got my mouth watering, so I did a little online research. Shrimp Scampi has got to be one of my favorite dishes in the world, and I don't get to indulge myself near enough. I'm good at modifying an existing recipe to my taste, but not sure how good I'll be at deciphering ingredients when I try out Uncle Moki's. The spicy coconut chicken recipe was a modification of a Martha Stewart recipe, if you can believe it.

Chris - Let's definitely try to hit Moki's next week/weekend. PM me or I'll PM you after the weekend.
