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Tiki Central / California Events / A little somethin' after Hukilau

Post #261148 by biffachu on Mon, Oct 16, 2006 7:46 PM

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Hays off to Holden on a great bar opening, very nice job on the decor.
The Mai Tai's in the water bottle was over the top. I am glad my water guy doesnt deliver those.
I'd be in real trouble...

Here's some VR's of the bar
You will need quicktime to view. Download here if you dont have: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/mac.html
They might take a lil bit to download so be patient


You can right click to download these and see bigger.
Shift/Alt or Shift/Control will enable you to zoom in/out

I hope to bring you more VR's from more events!