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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

Post #262348 by Bay Park Buzzy on Mon, Oct 23, 2006 11:00 AM

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Tiki Prequisites required to become a "Tiki" guy.

#1 Mai Tai at San Diego's Bali Hai Restaurant
Done by Buzzy, Sept 2006
#2 OA trip to hear at least one hour of "good old days" tiki stories.
Done by Buzzy, Sept 2006

#3 Scouring lice infested flea markets for "vintage""tiki finds."
Done by Buzzy, October 2006

#4 TC related gathering or event.
Done by Buzzy, May 2006

I still need to do the following tiki things to become a tiki guy:
#1 Gain about 75-100 pounds
#2 Buy a pair of Teevas
#3 Consider a Hawaiian shirt to be appropriate dress in all situations
#4 Spend way too much on a mug and then bemoan about how ridiculous the prices of mugs have become lately
#5 Shoplift something from Bamboo Ben's (because there are no rules in tiki)
#6 Devise a personal scale as to assess the "tikiness" of any product or person, based upon my own biases and prejudices, and pronounce nearly everything to be untiki, from my learned perspective

Being a Tiki Guy is too much work. I just want to carve...

Buzzy Out!