Joined: Mar 21, 2004
Posts: 820
I'm curious as to why you care about this administrative issue. Does it really matter? The focus of the question just seems odd. People come and go. It's an interactive board. It seems that the focus of interest should be on the subject matter, not how many people are using it or not.
On 2006-10-25 11:46, Tom Slick wrote:
I've noticed in some posts, people mention the fact of how many members are signed up at TC to help support whatever their topic was about...Over 5,300 TCrs! WoW, that is alot of Tiki buffs! What I have also noticed is that maybe 200 or so are "true" TC participaters in subjects, meaning that less than 10% of user accounts are being utilized on a fairly occasional basis.
My suggestion to any admins would be to delete accounts with 0 posts but have been signed up for at least 2 years... Then TC may have a more accurate count of true users? When I was surfing through the "Member List" I noticed there are more inactive accounts with 1 or less postings within 3 years than there are of posters with at least 10 postings in the last year. I'm thinking "some" names were reserved in 2002 by Hanford, but I would think the majority of "0" posts accounts were initially set up by mail spammers AND OR "not truly interested" parties.
So, would it be a good idea to "trim the unused" or leave it the way it is?
The biggest benefit would be more active and current user accounts when searching through the member list.
It would Free up user names that were taken by non active members.
And it would also eliminate the false feeling of 5300+ active members.
Remember, its only a suggestion and to see what others think, not to open a can of TC worms...haha!
Whuddya think?