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Tiki Central / General Tiki / Does anyone know anything about the Zamboanga?

Post #265241 by Thomas on Wed, Nov 8, 2006 9:27 AM

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Thomas posted on Wed, Nov 8, 2006 9:27 AM

The more I think of it I'm proud, in a funny way, of the fact that the mean-spirited, racist meaning behind the "monkeys with no tails" thing (the idea that it's actually referring to the people, and therein lies the "joke," which now seems so obvious and unavoidable now that it's been pointed out) hadn't even occurred to me at first. Makes me feel like I was "innocent" in a good kind of way. And now the idea kind of fills me with a sour disappointment, though one easily dismissed, thank goodness.
Edited to add: Lovely artifacts from the "other" Zamboanga presented here, and great discussion! I hadn't known about the establishment at all. I don't wish to derail the topic from that primary focus but there had also been some discussion of the actual city interweaved here as well.

[ Edited by: Thomas 2006-11-08 09:32 ]