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Tiki Central / General Tiki / A heartwarming tale

Post #26631 by Trader Woody on Fri, Mar 14, 2003 12:55 PM

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While out in Barcelona, my wife and I happened upon a bar, which isn't a difficult thing, being Spain. Anyway, after a couple of minutes inside, I noticed one of those classic moai pisco bottles on the wall along with a huge range of liquor bottles. I had my camera with me, and asked the owner if I could take a photo of it, as it looked pretty cool alongside all the Spanish booze bottles. He went over and shifted it to a more photogenic position, and I took my pic.

15 minutes later, he came over and asked why I wanted to photograph it. I told him about Tiki and told him what I knew about the Moai bottle; and he told me about how he came from Chile and that he'd brought it with him when he came over. He then went back to the bar, took the moai off it's perch and said, "It's for you". Well, I'm not usually one for giving big Chilean men a kiss, but I did this time. (A manly one on the cheek, I must stress!)
What a great guy.

Trader Woody