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Tiki Central / California Events / The Smoking Menehunes w/Bill Tapia: Not playing this Friday 12/01/06

Post #267445 by RevBambooBen on Fri, Nov 17, 2006 7:05 PM

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On 2006-11-17 07:53, lucas vigor wrote:
You got it wrong Ben, he is actually going to be headlining 3 doors down at Fitzgeralds, along with Last in line, Kill Deville (a really great hair metal band) Fooligan and the Vindakits. Sounds right up your alley!

So, relax, stay awhile, let your hair down!!

Aloha Lucas,

Was never that much into the hair bands. Remember that hair band Free Beer?

What I meant was that K-Mart was going to be the special guest. No wait. K-Mart broke up.

Ooooh. Now I remember. It was K-Arazy Al....Ya ya that's it!!!

Soooo is this going on on the 24th or what??

I have to do tiki tiki stuff out in Palm Desert this weekend and must leave early am. Sooo one more time a no show tonight.

You guys all have a good one tonight. Next time, we hope!

Rock on!