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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki / (mostly) tiki centralite art : benzart curly lono, page 13, 6/25/10

Post #281968 by teaKEY on 01/31/2007

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teaKEY posted on 01/31/2007


Hey KIng, BeEn A littLe quitE From yOur CoLLection LatEly. I know you got some great stuff to share.

That Drew Brophy mug that you got pictured above, looks like its cut and pasted next to the others. The colors just seem to have a richness that doesn't portray real life.

Did you get the latest Gecko White two legged guy. I see that you got a white one in your collection but that other looked different still. Not that you even need another mug in your collection. Wait what am I talking about.