Tiki Central / General Tiki / Tiki Road Trip: Milwaukee (9/22), Atlanta (9/29) -- SEE PAGE 7
Post #285292 by tikibars on Tue, Feb 13, 2007 8:54 AM
Tue, Feb 13, 2007 8:54 AM
Well, yes and no. It is an update of the first book, yes, but I have basically re-written it, top to bottom, so even the old entries are freshened up. I was very concerned that people who got the first one would still feel that the second one was worth getting. So I crammed a lot of new info in there, as much as I was allowed to. There are a LOT of newly-opened places listed and a LOT of classic places that have come to light since 2002 that are now included. The release date posted above is accurate, as far as I know. The best way to get the book (thanks for asking) is to buy it from me in person, either at a signing (I'll be figuring those out in April), or from my web site. http://www.tydirium.net/tiki/tikiroadtrip.html I remember mentioning this somewhere a few years ago, but essentialy if you get it from me directly, I make about $6 (immediately), but if you buy it in a store, I get about 44 cents (paid by royalty check as much as a year after the purchase). So you can see what MY preference is! [ Edited by: tikibars 2007-04-26 12:55 ] |