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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

Post #287303 by Bay Park Buzzy on Wed, Feb 21, 2007 7:49 PM

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VonTiki: Sup' Man! You know that, but you met me....I'm tiki on the inside, but not on the outside, though. That is what I'm working on. I want to be recognized as a tiki guy by the guy who works the drive thru at Weinerschnitzel, not just you guys. If I commit a horrible crime, I want the APB to be for a tiki guy, armed and dangerous.

Most crime happens after the sun disappears...

California should try to mandate some sort law to make the earth stop moving so the sun would never go down. It would pass if someone would argue that crime would go down and it would make the children here safer. Maybe we could raise taxes to get a big chain to anchor us to the moon. Could that stop the earth's rotation?

Put some color on this guy.

For the ladies

I'm going to go look to see if I have any Weinerschitznel coupons...

Where Are My Keys Buzzy Out!