Tiki Central / Tiki Music / Most irritating Exotica album and song
Post #290961 by DJ Terence Gunn on Sat, Mar 10, 2007 7:15 PM
DJ Terence Gunn
Sat, Mar 10, 2007 7:15 PM
Should this post be threaded, I forsee some heated differences of opinions. But so what? How else can we avoid certain albums and songs, at the same time become educated by them? And who knows, some folks may be turned onto something that they actually think is quite lovely. Anyway, this will be a good thing, and a fun thing. 'What, in your opinion, is the most irritating Exotica album and song that you've heard?', says I. 'Let me do the honour of starting', says I in return. Most Irritating Exotica album: Michel Magne 'Tropical Fantasy'. Most Irritating Exotica song: 'Tsetse Fly' by Martin Denny. (I don't want to overkill the Michel Magne, so I chose to expand the artist repertoire.) Actually, Mr. Denny has QUITE A FEW in this category -- even worse than this one; and although I know there are worse songs by other Exotica artists (especially those who merely jumped on the trend by putting out an album), I feel it necessary to point out that the Father Of Exotica did have it in him to do wrong.....and he did. Ouch! How about you? [ Edited by: DJ Terence Gunn 2007-03-10 19:21 ] |