Joined: Aug 31, 2006
Posts: 3978
Aloha TC~
I'm posting early tonight, because all the rest of the U.S. has gone to daylights savings time, - so you all are now 3 to 6 hours ahead of me! We here in Hawaii are too sun burned and rum drunk to figure out all that clock stuff. "Ah, bra, gots ta just set it back in fall ya? Forgetit!"
Sneakytiki~ I feel a little better about the piece now that I'm applying the color. I don't know if the puppy will appear again, except in maybe a piece commissioned by Grog. I really do think the Robby the Waiter-tiki is next! (I already have started gathering scrap for the mysterious wahine.)
Grog~ Wha? Now I gotta paint that damn dog in all over again!
LLT - Yeah, maybe Grog's hungry. But remember folks - pupus, not puppys!
"Eat me."
We got samples of the Body Glove Tiki Towels in! They came out pretty cool, if I say so myself! Those jaggy edges you see in the design are not because I sent the factory a crappy low res photoshop file, but because of the ancient looms our factory uses. They can't weave curves very well. One more thing for me to work on fixing for next year I guess.
They're gonna come in 3 colors. Yellow, Blue and Coral. Big 5 Sporting Goods has already seen them and gave their OK. So, I'll let you know when they will be arriving in a Big 5 near you this summer! I'm really excited about this, cause it took me a long time to get my favorite design through the pipeline!
Here's today's work. I smoothed out all the colors on the big background cloud. I still will smooth it's edges into the sky. But, I think I'm getting the hang of shading a little better.
Thanks for watching,
Aloha from the Volcano!