Tiki Central / General Tiki / Rock A Tiki Chicago Review & Pics + Trader Vic's Chicago Pics
Post #291520 by tikibars on Tue, Mar 13, 2007 10:32 AM
Tue, Mar 13, 2007 10:32 AM
My pal Warwick writes... "Know anyone that would want rockatiki.com ? I got it a while ago when there was a rockatiki in town, and I put up a note on the site where the bar was, and apparently the owners didnt' want the domiain name, then the place died. Anyway, if I "let it go" then the domain name vultures get it, and they don't give it up easily to anyone, and they charge a boatload id you want to buy it. I have about 100 domain names, and I know what the vultures are like. You may as well just think of a new name, cause trying to get an expired one, that a vulture stole, is next to impssible. Anyway, wanted to know if you know anyone that wants it for like $100 bucks?" Email him at [email protected] |