Tiki Central / General Tiki / grand theft tiki!! ....elviki birdhouse rip-off!!
Post #293169 by Tipsy McStagger on Mon, Mar 19, 2007 6:28 PM
Tipsy McStagger
Mon, Mar 19, 2007 6:28 PM
I was waiting for someone to take the bait with that aku-aku- sign.... .first of all, after a certain amount of time elapses, some things become public domain...vinatge tiki signs are a great example...yes, odds are that the owners/designers are probably dead or dying, the company was dissolved, they went out of business or any number of things may have occured, but there is a double standard when it comes to art and producing product. most artists appropriate other work from their surrounding cultures/environments....if we didn't appropriate, alot of art would never have been created in the first place. But the difference between appropriating something from another source to use in a work of art that there will most likely be only one example created, and that of "borrowing" to make multiple items to bring to market to sell and profit off of is astonishingly clear. Furthermore, yes, artists do sell their work and both they and the galleries that represent them do profit......but only from a single sale. Most of the images artists use in their art, when they do appropriate them, is public domain, free for any to use, which is why it chaps my ass that with all the generic tiki clip art available on this planet that they could have used without infringing on someones idea, they had to go and use mine (cindy's).!!! I just don't get it...anyway, it's a complicated argument because each situation has to be viewed on an idividual basis...lot's of nuances and things...yadda, yadda. Years ago i made a single lamp based on shag's tentacled moai character...it was a shown at La Luz gallery and it ended up selling.....but i made sure i had shag's blessing before i did anything. In fact, he was in the same show and people thought he made the lamp!! on that note, i only started this thread to get some info...which i now have, not to get into a discourse on copyrights. |