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Tiki Central / Tiki Marketplace / Everything is Better with Rum! cookbooks - sold out!

Post #293872 by MobileTikiBar on Thu, Mar 22, 2007 6:36 PM

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Well, the last of the RumReviews.com Everything is Better with Rum! cookbooks have sold out!! The kinds words we've received from everyone has been amazing, we're very thankful for the folks we met at the Hukilau last year, and look forward to seeing everyone again in a few months. Little did we know when writing the cookbook how much more of an experience it would be than just cooking.

One down side to our timing last year was that the cookbook had a few typos in it. We've repaired those, and will be printing a few more in case anyone wanted a copy but may have missed out.

In addition, we've taken a number of the hits from the cookbook that are light, summer dishes, and have added about 30 new recipes for a special summertime party edition. The new cookbook will feature roughly 50 recipes, include a much larger number of photographs, and will be an excellent compliment to the first book.
